Our employees stay and build their careers with us because of our ethos, values, and the careers we offer.
Our vision for company growth stems from these values and we are extremely proud to have been able to transfer a significant portion of the ownership of the company to our employees through an Employee Trust model which really encapsulates our aspirations and investment in our employees and our growth.
In keeping with our values, we offer a career sabbatical giving our employees the opportunity to undertake meaningful and life affirming experiences outside of work. After 2 years’ service all staff can apply to utilise our early career sabbatical scheme where you can take 2 months leave to travel or get involved in community projects world-wide and still receive a proportion of your pay. The chance to travel, experience different cultural experiences or to work on charitable/community-based projects is something that we encourage and is recognised as part personal and professional development. Every employee has an annual ‘Give back day’ where everyone can do a charity or community day, fully paid.
Read our Annual Impact Report 2023 to learn more about our environmental and social impact.
We are very proud that our latest graduate cohort for the last four years, have voted for us to be ranked in the: ‘Top 50 companies for graduates to work for’ in the UK, through TheJobCrowd | Graduate Schemes, Jobs & Industry Knowledge
We were voted THE Top company for graduates to work for within support services (including recruitment) category, for Management & Location in 2022-23 and most recently 2024-25, for Responsibility.