How your business can support key workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is the most widespread crisis we’ve ever had to face in our lifetime. Whether your business remains open or is lying dormant until the lockdown eases off, you may be wondering whether you can support the wonderful key workers who are out there keeping our country running. What could you do to help them?
Make a donation:
The most direct way you can contribute is by donating. Many local authorities are endorsing charities that are supporting people during the pandemic, such as the Quartet Community Foundation in the South West. There are also a few places which allow you to donate wellbeing packs to those key workers who are struggling to find the time to buy basic necessities and who would also appreciate some well-earned treats.
Offer the use of company facilities:
It may be that your business could temporarily donate its amenities to your local authority, or to another business that employs key workers. One way, for example, would be to offer your office’s unused car park as temporary park to any nearby hospital, care home or other key worker staff. The best approach would be to email an organisation directly and see if they could do with any direct help.
Remember, these are incredibly busy and stressful times for key workers. It may be that your email never gets a response but if that happens, don’t be offended. Just know that you did the right thing by offering assistance.
Volunteer some time:
Could you give up some of your time to help? If your business is currently quiet or lying dormant until the end of lockdown, it might be that you could use this time to volunteer in your community. Can do Bristol is a one-stop shop for volunteering opportunities in the local area during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you’re reading this further afield, why not Google to see what opportunities to help out are in your area? Of course, volunteering is only recommended for individuals who are not shielding from the virus.
Use the voice of your business:
While it might not seem like much, perhaps the most profound way your business could make a difference is to put out supportive messaging on your website, on your social media and across all of your communications channels. Encourage employees and others to adhere to lockdown regulations, for example. By encouraging people to stay home, you can help reduce the threat to everyone from medical staff and supermarket workers to public transport providers.
Clap for carers:
Finally, take part in the #ClapForCarers initiative. What was supposed to be a one-off thank you has become a weekly phenomenon across the country. The clapping takes part every Thursday at 8 pm.
Hunter Selection would like to take this opportunity to offer a deep and sincere thank you to all key workers in the UK who are putting themselves at risk to fight COVID-19 and to keep the country operating.